Il Neofascismo italiano e lo sport (1947-1966)


sporting associationism

How to Cite

Molinari, A. (2021). Il Neofascismo italiano e lo sport (1947-1966). Storia Dello Sport. Rivista Di Studi Contemporanei, 2(1), 1–15. Retrieved from


As an integral part of sports historiography, sporting associationism has been the subject of several studies focused in particular on the Centro Sportivo Italiano and the Unione Italiana Sport Popolare. However, there are no specific studies on the relationship between neo-Fascism and sports in Italy. Thus, this contribution aims to be a first investigation into an unexplored issue, carried out by consulting historical works on neo-fascism, the publications of the Far Right and other sources. In particular, the evolution of the Centro Sportivo Fiamma from its foundation year (1947) to its first National Congress (1966) was analysed. The main features and the development of the neo-Fascist sports network have been framed in the context of the internal debate within the Movimento Sociale Italiano, in the evolution of its ideological references and strategies, and in the positioning of the party in the Italian political framework.


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