Author Guidelines
Storia dello Sport. Rivista di Studi Contemporanei
Abstract of the editorial norms
Use A4 paper size for your text and adjust the margins to these:
- Top 2,5
- Bottom 2
- Right 2
- Left 2
For articles in the section STUDI and in the section MATERIALI
Texts should be written in Times New Roman, with single line spacing. For titles use 16-point; For the main text use 12-point, for quotes longer than 4 lines use 11 point, for footnotes use 10-point. The use of italics is limited to book titles and foreign terms that are not in common usage. All quotations should be contained by low quotation marks (« ») and missing words should be replaced by three dots between square brackets ([…]).
For Volumes and Journals
Initial of the First Name, Last Name, Book Title (italics), Place of edition, Publisher, Year
Example: B. Croce, Storia della età barocca in Italia, Bari, Laterza, 1946
Two authors should be listed with a single comma between their names
Example: L. Gozzi, M. Fois, C. Lucarelli, Autostrada, Bologna, Clueb, 2006
In case of Three or more authors, avoid the expression AA.VV. and start with the title directly. Should the author be an institution, provide its full name of the institution at the beginning.
For edited volumes in Italian, provide the title of the volume, followed by the expression (a cura di) and the names of the editors.
Example: Iraq: radiografia del conflitto cinque anni dopo, a cura di M. Emiliani
For edited volumes in a foreign language, the expression (a cura di) should be translated into the proper language: «ed. by» for volumes in English; «sous la direction de» for volumes in French; «hrsg. von» for volumes in German.
Example: Beyond Boycotts. Sport During the Cold War in Europe, ed. by P. Vonnard, N. Sbetti, G. Quin
Page numbers in footnotes should be preceded by p. (for a single page) or pp. (for two or more pages)
For single works cited in the preceding note with a a different page, please use «Ivi» followed by the specific page number. Should the page number be the same use «Ibidem».
Example: Autore, Titolo, Luogo, Editore, anno, p. 42. 2 Ivi, p. 44. 3 Ibidem.
Op. cit. should be used for all refer to a work cited above, but not in the immediately preceding note. Op. cit. should be preceeded by the the author (Initial of the First Name, Last Name)
Es. Sbetti, Op. cit., p.
If several titles of the same author have already been cited, the footnote should contain the author (initial of the first name and lat name), the shortened title of the book, followed by cit.
Example: Sbetti, Giochi diplomatici, cit.,
For chapters in edited volumes, the reference should contain the essay’s title followed by the volume’s title.
Example: N. Sbetti, Playing at the border of the Cold War. The case of the city of Trieste (1945-1948), in Beyond Boycotts. Sport During the Cold War, ed. by, P. Vonnard, N. Sbetti, G. Quin,
“Id.” should be used when the author of the essay (chapter or artile) is the editor of the volume:
Example: N. Bobbio, Pareto e il diritto naturale, in Id., Saggi sulla scienza politica in Italia, Roma-Bari, Laterza, 1996, pp. 133-157.
For Journal articles, please provide the name of the author, the tile of the article (in italics), the Journal title between low quotation marks (« »), preceeded by «in», and followed by the year of publication (for scientific journals, please, provide the volume and the issue)
Example A. I. Pini, Per una storia sociale dell’università: i bidelli bolognesi nel XIII secolo, in «Annali di storia delle università italiane», l (1997), pp. 43-75. S. Gerbi, E Bottai inventò le cattedre “per chiara fama”, in «Corriere della Sera», 18 novembre 1995.
For following references of the same entry, please refer to the rules adopted for books and volumes.
Author (Institution or person, in case of personal website), Title of the page, date of the page (if available), url between square brackets, date of consultation between parenthesis.
Example: Dario Fo, Dario Fo: teatro, pittura, satira, politica, 2016, [] (4 aprile 2016).
Unpublished Documents
Begin with the institutional repository (Archive, library, museum, etc. etc.) with initial capital letter, followed by the collection (association, ecclesiastic institution, office etc. etc.), followed by any eventual section. All the information should be in italics or underlined; in following entries they can be abbreviated or replaced with acronyms. Finally, all entries should specify the material collocation of the source. For Italian archives, please use, the following: b. (busta/e); reg (registro/i); cart. (cartella/e o cartone/i), scat. (scatola/e), vol. (volume/i), filza, pacco, fascio, ecc., fasc. (fascicolo/i). For other archives please use: folder, box, etc. etc.
Example: Archivio di stato di Padova (ASP), Prefettura, Gabinetto, b. 209, rapporto del prefetto al ministro dell’interno, 8 aprile 1909 (minuta).
Text font is the same of the sections “Studi” e “Materiali”. For titles use 16-point Times New Roman; for the name of the author 14-point Times New Roman; for the main text 12-point Times New Roman. Quotations longer than 4 lines use 10-point Times New Roman and a 1 cm indent (left).
Do not use the footnote system. Negli altri contributi non sono previste le note. In case of citation of authors, insert the name of the author and the year of publication between parenthesis.
Example: (G. Szöllősi, 2016)
For book reviews, quotations form the reviewed book require the exact page number between parenthesis in the main text.
Example: Il testo compara i due approcci (p. 141).