La storia degli sport tra interpretazioni storiografiche, histoire événementielle e dell’intanto


Sport story
anachronistic reference
historiographic interpretation

How to Cite

Panico, G. (2024). La storia degli sport tra interpretazioni storiografiche, histoire événementielle e dell’intanto. Storia Dello Sport. Rivista Di Studi Contemporanei, 5(1). Retrieved from


The history of sport in Italy, as elsewhere, has moved beyond mere reenactments, exclusively, “événementielle”, or steeped in anachronistic references to a sometimes-distant past. A decisive role in this transformation can be attributed to the models of twentieth-century historiography, with its attention to social behavior and the diverse realm of emotions. The following pages aim to highlight, including through the experiences of journals such as “Lancillotto e Nausica”, some aspects of the significance of studying sports history, its audiences, and narratives according to standards that enrich Clio’s vast and intricate domain.

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2024 Guido Panico