“Vérfürdő”: il bagno di sangue di Melbourne, la Rivoluzione e i film


Hungarian Revolution
Blood bath

How to Cite

Venuti, L. (2022). “Vérfürdő”: il bagno di sangue di Melbourne, la Rivoluzione e i film. Storia Dello Sport. Rivista Di Studi Contemporanei, 3(1). Retrieved from https://storia-sport.it/index.php/sp/article/view/22


Despite the growing attention towards the relationship between cinema and history, there are just few studies that focus on sport films. In my paper I suggest that the reproduction of key sport moments could hide a clear historical interpretation of the facts, no matter if in form of documentary or fiction. For this purpose, I show two cinematographic products on the Blood bath match of 1956 Melbourne Olympics: Freedom’s Fury and Szabadság szerelem.


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